Thursday, July 1, 2010


Alright people I am going to re decorate my bedroom and i want a cute saying in there i am going to put on a huge board... Does anyone have any cute sayings? Like love sayings or fun ones? And for colors i can't decide anyone seen anything cute?

Also i am needing a new hair make over its driving me NUTS... Bangs or NO bangs???
Long or short??? I need a change and fast Any ideas??

Zach came home after work with these flowers for me! Totally shocked...
Happy Birthday today Sarah... Your a great friend i friggin LOVE you
Zach and Julian playing soccer
Kix @ the Park watching Zach play soccer


  1. We have a sign that says "And They Lived Happily Ever After" above our bed and I LOVE it. Seems kinda cheesy?? But I still love it.

  2. I vote no bangs. I'm done with mine and I think they're kinda out anyway. :)

  3. Ya that is Mercedes! I cant believe they are that old too! It makes me feel so much older. I am feeling the same way about my hair. Every other day I say I am going to chop it. So I am not much help cuz I dont even know what to do with mine. I love your hair short but I also love when you have it long. Good luck! Miss you tons!

  4. i love your hair short!!! And I love bangs haha you know me! and we have a thing in our room that says always kiss me goodnight with a blown up picture of our bridal kissing on the car! It's my most favorite thing ever!! I love you!!

  5. BK! I MISS YOU! I wish I could see you more! I think you should go dark? hows that for change? jk you would hate it! One of my favorite quotes is "whatever you are be a good one." Abe lincoln. haha it hung in my bathroom forever... probably not what you are looking for in your bedroom though! cant wait to see you! We need to play even if its just for a little bit when you come back
    love ya
